I could care less how you personally identify. I could care less how a child in the womb will one day personally identify. What I do care about is that we stop poisoning and slaughtering them.
Imagine if the Holocaust were still underway and I was a German citizen opposed to the oppression and genocide of the Jews and other groups. Should my fight against the Nazi ideology driving their destruction be invalidated because I failed to mention every one of their gender identities in my struggle to stop the killing? Would you want me to just ‘delete my account’ and let the slaughter continue unchecked because I failed to properly recognize someone’s orientation?
Become the man you claim to be and stop attacking the messenger. If you support the mass slaughter of preborn children, then argue your case. Stop hiding behind red herrings and confront the issue at hand. Trust me, your gender identity is the least of this broken world’s problems.
Tagged: abortion, arguments, culture, feminism, gender, human rights, life, prochoice, prolife, questions, right to life, transexual, transgender, truth